Welcome to Saturn Class

Saturn is a mixed year 5/6 class and our teacher is Miss Kisby

Important information to remember:

Homework - SPaG homework is set on a Monday and Maths homework is set on a Wednesday.

Both sets of homework need to be completed and handed in on the following Monday.

Reading - children are expected to read at home, and record it in their planner, at least three times per week.

Reading Records are handed in on a Thursday.

PE is on Wednesday and Thursday and children need to come to school in their PE kits.





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Europe...and beyond

In our first Geography lesson, we were studying the countries in Europe. We began by being given a European country and, in groups, had to carry out research into the physical and human characteristics of that country. Amongst other things, we looked at mountain ranges, rivers, lakes for the physical characteristics and then the population, architecture, bridges, cities to identify the human characteristics of the country. Here are our finsihed results.

History of the Olympic Mascots

As an introduction to our new topic, we looked at the history of the Olympic Mascots. Here are ours.

Building Tension

In class, we have been learning the skills for building tension in our writing. We worked together in small groups to plan and write a narrative. We had to use a range of different sentence structures and we showed this by writing in different coloured pens. We then used our editing skills to improve it. Can you feel the tension in our writing?

Classifying Plants

Following on from our work on classifying animals, we looked at classifying plants. We discovered that Carl Linnaeus developed the modern system for classifying and naming organisms. Before him, they were really long, but he gave each one a two-part name. Here is the work that we completed.

Classifying Animals

One of our first science lessons was learning how to classify animals. Here are some examples of the way we showed what we have learned.

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