Mercury Class

Mercury Class is one of our Year 3/4 classes, led by Miss Gethings. 

Remember: Homework is given out on Wednesdays and is due in the following Monday. We encourage children to read as regularly as possible, and expect their school reading book to be read at least 3 times a week and recorded in their planner. PE days are Tuesday and Friday and children should come into school wearing their PE kits on these days. 


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Clay Cartouche

We made our own cartouche out of clay and put our name on the front, spelling it using hieroplyphs. Once the clay had dried we then painted them!



Art - Sewing

This term we have been learning some sewing skills. We have learnt how to do a running stitch, back stitch and some of us even tried a cross stitch. Take a look at some of our work! 

Egyptian WOW Day!

We really enjoyed our Ancient Egyptian workshop. 

We started the day off watching a live mummification and then carried out some research questions on some Egyptian artefacts. After break, we worked in groups to build our own ancient Egyptian city and faced world events to see whose city would still be standing. We learnt a really fun game called Senet and then finished the day becoming Egyptian scribes writing hieroglyphics with ink and reed pens on papyrus paper. It was great fun!


Ancient Egyptians!

This term we are learning all about the Ancient Egyptians!

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