Welcome to Venus Class

Venus class is a mixed year 5/6 class and our teacher is Miss Tysoe

Important information to remember:

Homework - SPaG homework is set on a Monday and Maths homework is set on a Wednesday.

Both sets of homework need to be completed and handed in on the following Monday.

Reading - children are expected to read at home, and record it in their planner, at least three times per week.

Reading Records are handed in on a Thursday.

PE is on Wednesday and Thursday and children need to come to school in their PE kits.


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Pastel Abstract Art

In Art we have been working with pastels - techniques for creating effects with them and how they are differents to pencils and paints. 

Mrs Hennegan then gave each class a picture to recreate using pastels. Each person in the class had their own square they had to re-create and then Miss Laye has pieced them together to create a whole class pastel picture! It wasn't easy, but I think the end product is fab! 

I've included the orginal below....

The History of Olympic Mascots

We started our topic off with some Art - we wanted some for our display!

We looked back at the history of Mascots!

Looking back at where Olympics were held and what their Mascot was for that particular year ! 


All About Angles

In Y5 Maths wirh Miss Tysoe and Miss Laye, we have been learning all about angles! 

We had a go at measuring angles, but to make it more exciting - we created angles on our tables and measured those with our protractors! This was a great way to test our other knowledge about angles around a point and on straight line ! 



We have began the Summer term with one of Miss Tysoe's favourite events THE OLYMPICS! 

We will be learning so many things about the Olympics, but definitely looking back to Ancient Greece - where the Olympics began and London 2012 !


Amazing Art

Egyptian Collar Art 

To start off out Egyptian Art topic we began by creating our own Egyptian Collars. 
We explored what jewellery Egyptians used to wear, looking at the colours and patterns of the jewels they chose and created our own, inspired by their designs.


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