Welcome to Jupiter Class

Jupiter is a mixed year 5/6 class and our teacher is Miss Perkins

Important information to remember:

Homework - SPaG homework is set on a Monday and Maths homework is set on a Wednesday.

Both sets of homework need to be completed and handed in on the following Monday.

Reading - children are expected to read at home, and record it in their planner, at least three times per week.

Reading Records are handed in on a Thursday.

PE is on Wednesday and Thursday and children need to come to school in their PE kits.

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We have had a fantasic time on our WOW day. We have travelled to Ancient Greece on a spaceship during our VR workshop. We listened to some Greek myths and considered the morals of the story. We designed our very own Greek vases and researched about Greek life to create non-chronological reports. 

Olynpic Art

As part of our new topic of "The Olympics" we have been studying the art of LeRoy Neiman. 

We each took a square and applied our pastel skills to recreate a small section of one of his pieces and then put them altogether to create this masterpiece; 

Olympic Mascots

We have been exploring the history of Olynpic Mascots. We learnt all about them and then re-created them to create our classroom display 

Rainbow Write

We have been exploring techniques and sentence structures to help build tension in our writing. We watched a clip from the Animals of Fathing Wood and then worked in a group to use different sentence types to create a tension narrative. 

Exploring Maps

Today we have been exploring different types of maps. We looked at OS maps of our local area to explore places we know. 

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