Welcome to Jupiter Class

Jupiter is a mixed year 5/6 class and our teacher is Miss Perkins

Important information to remember:

Homework - SPaG homework is set on a Monday and Maths homework is set on a Wednesday.

Both sets of homework need to be completed and handed in on the following Monday.

Reading - children are expected to read at home, and record it in their planner, at least three times per week.

Reading Records are handed in on a Thursday.

PE is on Wednesday and Thursday and children need to come to school in their PE kits.

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Mummification instructions

Today we have been mummifying our school friends to help us remember the process of mummification, in preparation for our instructions hot write.

A New Term

As the new term begins, we will be venturing into the past and looking at the Ancient Egyptians. In science, we will be studying Light and Electricity and we look forward to sharing another fantastic book with our whole class reader. 


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