Maths Curriculum

Below is a link to an overview of the maths curriculum at BJA:

This curriculum document provides guidance for what teachers will cover in mathematics- but at times this may alter according to the needs of the children- it also indicates the key vocabulary, models and images used to support your child's learning. The document also includes images of written methods used by the children

Maths Curriculum

How we teach maths at Branston Junior Academy:

We aim to ensure that children have a confident grasp of mathematic objectives. We do this by exploring them in different ways. Through varied fluency- looking at the key maths skills in a variety of contexts. Through reasoning- providing children with opportunities to explain and verbalise their thinking. We also explore math objectives through a range of both closed and open problem solving opportunities.

 Useful Videos 

Have a look at the videos below, which will explain the journey pupils will take to develop their use of formal calculations.





Times tables

We promote the learning and securing of times tables in our school in a fun and active way. Helping your child to learn their times tables at home is one of the most valuable things you can do to support your child to develop in all areas of their maths.

Quick fire recall is crucial- take a little time out the day to practice- it doesn't need to be formal- it could be while walking to the shops or during the adverts- little and often times tables practice is often the most effective approach.

At BJA we focus on ensuring children secure their times tables by the end of year 4. (Read this DfE document for more information on the year 4 multiplication check.) In year 3/4 children complete their tackling times tables cards every day. This system works with blue, green and red cards that children learn before moving on to the next stage. They also complete weekly and termly checks to monitor their progress. 

Below is a link to times tables rockstars- this is an online platform for children to play games to earn coins for their avatar. It encourage pupils to develop rapid recall of times table facts. Your children will have a log- in stuck in their planner. 


You can also use this website:

For access to times tables lists and gradual times tables practice.

Further resources. 

We use a lot of manipulatives in school to support children in their learning, we appreciate that you don't have access to such a vast array of resources at home. Follow this link and scroll down to use this website to access all the manipulatives we use in the classroom. 


Additional Lessons: 

If your child wants to focus more on an area of their Maths learning, Oak Academy is an excellent resource to find additional lesson and resources. Maths lessons for Key Stage 2 students - Oak National Academy (